Planning with foresight

The UZIN UTZ Group, with its headquarters in Ulm, has been operating very successfully for years as a manufacturer of products and machines for laying, finishing and processing floor surfaces. In the financial year 2019 the company achieved record figures in terms of sales and earnings. "In addition, we started the new year with full order books", Julian Utz, Member of the Board of the UZIN UTZ Group, comments on the order situation. For the health protection of employees and business partners, the full-range supplier of floor systems has taken far-reaching measures against the rapid spread of the coronavirus. Online communication will be expanded, operations will continue and jobs will be secured in the long term.

There is a great understanding within the company and a common will to master the current challenges. "Our primary goal is to protect the health and well-being of our employees, customers and suppliers, while doing everything we can to maintain our business and provide the best possible service in compliance with regulatory requirements," Julian Utz, Member of the Executive Board says.

Maintaining communication

The field  staff and technical support are available via telephone and e-mail for advice. The websites of the UZIN UTZ Group and its brands provide detailed information about services, new products and the product range. With the new landing page "digital helpers", the brand Uzin offers information exchange with its own WhatsApp video chat, newsletter, the so-called “floor navigator” (German: Bodennavigator) and much more. "We are looking forward to the personal exchange on different digital channels", Julian Utz confirms.

Corporate measures

"In all plants and for all brands, we immediately took the necessary measures to maintain operations and to contain the rapid spread of the coronavirus," Julian Utz explains. The Board has set up a task force to provide weekly advice on crisis management for the entire UZIN UTZ Group. Visits to suppliers and customers have been stopped, and communication takes place via video or telephone conference. Employees work in the home office whenever possible. "We have opted for a so-called tandem solution," Julian Utz says. "One part of a team works at home and the other part works in the company." There, clearance rules and hygiene measures must be observed to prevent large-scale quarantine measures. This applies in particular to production, which is carried out in strictly separated shifts, thus ensuring the best possible availability of supplies.

Pallmann produces disinfectants instead of primers

At Pallmann, the speciality brand for parquet sealants, which is based in Wuerzburg, production capacities are also used for the manufacture of disinfectants in addition to the production of classic products for parquet layers. The subsidiary intends to use raw materials for rapid on-site help. In coordination with the Civil Protection Office, Pallmann has already supplied disinfectants to hospitals and care facilities in Wuerzburg. The town’s fire brigade collected the first pallets, more will follow. "Health is currently our greatest asset and regionally produced goods can help quickly," Stefan Neuberger, Managing Director of Pallmann GmbH, explains.

We want to act with foresight

At the moment there is no construction stop in Germany. Federal construction sites are to be continued by decree of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Buildung and Community. "This gives us confidence that, after the very good performance in the previous year and the good start into the first new quarter, the economic consequences of the spread of the coronavirus for our company remain manageable today," Board Member Julian Utz explains. "We are reassessing the situation on a daily basis so we can react with appropriate further measures at any time. With foresighted planning and the support of our committed employees and business partners, we will succeed in mastering the challenges in a spirit of mutual trust.”


About the UZIN UTZ Group

With around 1,300 employees and a consolidated turnover of  EUR 372.4 million (2019), the UZIN UTZ Group, Ulm, is a leader in the development and manufacture of products and machines for floor laying. The construction chemical product systems for the laying of all kinds of floor coverings, including surface finishing and machines for tillage, are all developed and manufactured by the Group companies themselves and marketed worldwide under the internationally successful brands Uzin, Wolff, Pallmann, Arturo, codex, RZ and Pajarito. As a system partner of the skilled trades, planners, architects and builders, UZIN UTZ has been dedicated for 100 years to providing professional support to end customers and installers in all areas of floor laying. More press releases on

Contact person

Tanja PeterHead of Corporate Communications & Marketing

Telephone: 0731 4097-4729

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