Press section

Tanja Peter

Head of Communication
Phone: +49 731 4097-4729

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Uzin Utz SE
Corporate communication
Dieselstrasse 3 | 89089 Ulm

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Latest press releases

Annual General Meeting of Uzin Utz SE 2024


Annual General Meeting of Uzin Utz SE 2024

At today's Annual General Meeting of the full-service provider for flooring systems, the ...

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Uzin Utz proves resilience and presents solid business figures


Uzin Utz proves resilience and presents solid business figures Annual press conference 2024

Uzin Utz presented its financial figures for 2023 at the annual press conference.

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Uzin Utz narrowly misses the record sales revenues of the previous year and is slightly below the previous year's earnings before interest and taxes


Uzin Utz narrowly misses the record sales revenues of the previous year and is slightly below the previous year's earnings before interest and taxes Publication of preliminary figures for the 2023 financial year

Uzin Utz was able to reduce the year-on-year decline in EBIT.

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Annual General Meeting of Uzin Utz SE


Annual General Meeting of Uzin Utz SE

At today's Annual General Meeting of the full-range supplier of flooring systems, the shareholders

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Uzin Utz achieves robust third quarter in a challenging environment


Uzin Utz achieves robust third quarter in a challenging environment Financial figures for the third quarter of 2022

Uzin Utz again achieved a solid economic result in the third quarter of 2022.

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Profitable first half-year - Uzin Utz remains on course in a difficult environment


Profitable first half-year - Uzin Utz remains on course in a difficult environment Uzin Utz publishes half-year figures 2022

In an environment of high volatility, Uzin Utz stayed on course in the first half of 2022.

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Christian Richter appointed member of the board


Christian Richter appointed member of the board Changes in the board at Uzin Utz

Christian Richter (41) will be appointed as a new member of the board of the Uzin Utz AG from 01 Oct

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Uzin Utz Annual General Meeting votes for dividend increase


Uzin Utz Annual General Meeting votes for dividend increase Annual General Meeting Uzin Utz AG

Up to 70 participants took part in the meeting, which was held virtually.

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Uzin Utz creates sustainable value and presents record result for 2021


Uzin Utz creates sustainable value and presents record result for 2021 Pioneer of the floor systems

Uzin Utz presented its financial figures for 2021 as part of its annual financial press conference

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Uzin Utz donates to aid organisations to support people in Ukraine


Uzin Utz donates to aid organisations to support people in Ukraine Donation to Ukraine

Uzin Utz donates EUR 120,000 to humanitarian organisations to support the people in the Ukraine

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Uzin Utz and The Art of Floor Systems


Uzin Utz and The Art of Floor Systems 111 Years of Passion for Flooring

The company uzin utz and its brands move closer together in the new corporate design.

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UZIN UTZ receives Environmental Management Award 2021


UZIN UTZ receives Environmental Management Award 2021

On 23 November, UZIN UTZ was honoured with the German Environmental Management Award 2021.

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UZIN UTZ publishes half-year figures 2021


UZIN UTZ publishes half-year figures 2021

Sales and earnings for 2021 at the highest level in the company's history

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Elementary school provides innovative support for UZIN UTZ Nederland on the topic of "biodiversity"


Elementary school provides innovative support for UZIN UTZ Nederland on the topic of "biodiversity"

Inspired by junior innovation team Biodiversity

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UZIN UTZ North America Inc. hosts ground breaking event on new facility


UZIN UTZ North America Inc. hosts ground breaking event on new facility

UZIN UTZ North America Inc. hosted a ground breaking Event.

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Financial year 2020 closed with record figures despite global pandemic


Financial year 2020 closed with record figures despite global pandemic Annual General Meeting Uzin Utz AG

As already reported in April, UZIN UTZ AG can reflect on a successful financial year 2020.

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UZIN UTZ and BASF cooperate on climate protection


UZIN UTZ and BASF cooperate on climate protection CO2 savings with BASF's biomass balance approach

The UZIN UTZ Group and the chemical company BASF SE are saving CO2 together.

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UZIN UTZ Group and W. & L. Jordan GmbH cooperate hand in hand in climate protection as well


UZIN UTZ Group and W. & L. Jordan GmbH cooperate hand in hand in climate protection as well

With 3,333 trees, the UZIN UTZ Group underlines its sustainability strategy.

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Uzin: Steffen Kallus becomes overall manager of the business unit of the Uzin brand


Uzin: Steffen Kallus becomes overall manager of the business unit of the Uzin brand Personnel announcement

Since 1 April 2021, Steffen Kallus has been managing the entire business unit of the Uzin brand.

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UZIN UTZ reports record year: Despite corona, sales and earnings in 2020 at highest level in the company’s history


UZIN UTZ reports record year: Despite corona, sales and earnings in 2020 at highest level in the company’s history Consolidated and annual financial statements 2021

UZIN UTZ AG has again closed the financial year 2020 with record sales.

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Further expansion of international presence in the USA: UZIN UTZ, worldwide one-stop supplier for flooring systems, plans second production site in Waco, Texas


Further expansion of international presence in the USA: UZIN UTZ, worldwide one-stop supplier for flooring systems, plans second production site in Waco, Texas

Another production location will be built on an area of around 660,000 square feet in Waco, Texas.

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A whole wealth of flooring expertise - now online


A whole wealth of flooring expertise - now online UZIN UTZ Group at BAU ONLINE 2021

The globally operating, full-range supplier of flooring systems will present its seven brands ...

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UZIN UTZ performs well in the third quarter and exceeds previous year's sales and earnings


UZIN UTZ performs well in the third quarter and exceeds previous year's sales and earnings

The construction chemicals group from Ulm continued its positive sales and earnings development ...

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Successful duo: floor and basketball


Successful duo: floor and basketball Orange Campus opens on the banks of the Danube in Ulm

After a 20-month construction period, the Orange Campus opened as one of the largest youth ...

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Start into work life: Nine new apprentices in four professions started their training at the UZIN UTZ Group on September 1.


Start into work life: Nine new apprentices in four professions started their training at the UZIN UTZ Group on September 1. UZIN UTZ welcomes the new trainees

The "new arrivals" started their work life on September 1 with four exciting introductory days ...

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UZIN UTZ publishes half-year figures


UZIN UTZ publishes half-year figures

The leading manufacturer of floor laying systems remains stable in the first half of 2020 despite ..

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Uzin creates brand experience with new international Instagram channel


Uzin creates brand experience with new international Instagram channel Digital branding

The brand Uzin is further expanding its digital presence with its new Instagram channel, ...

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Environment Minister Franz Untersteller MdL visits the manufacturer in construction chemicals UZIN UTZ


Environment Minister Franz Untersteller MdL visits the manufacturer in construction chemicals UZIN UTZ

It was only a short flying visit, but it gave the politician a lot of insights and inspiration.

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Annual General Meeting of Uzin Utz AG


Annual General Meeting of Uzin Utz AG

UZIN UTZ is reporting on the company's outstanding development in the past financal year 2019

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UZIN UTZ Group again honored with Axia Best Managed Companies Award 2020


UZIN UTZ Group again honored with Axia Best Managed Companies Award 2020

The UZIN UTZ Group, a globally active full-service provider of flooring systems, has once again ...

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Into the future with canisters made of 100% recycled material


Into the future with canisters made of 100% recycled material Sustainability at the UZIN UTZ Group

In addition to the development of very low-emission, health and environ-mentally friendly ...

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Planning with foresight


Planning with foresight UZIN UTZ Group in spring 2020

The UZIN UTZ Group, with its headquarters in Ulm, has been operating very successfully for years ...

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UZIN UTZ Group achieves record figures in sales and earnings


UZIN UTZ Group achieves record figures in sales and earnings Consolidated and annual financial statements 2019

UZIN UTZ AG has again closed the financial year2019 wirh record sales ...

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Half-year figures of Uzin Utz AG


Half-year figures of Uzin Utz AG

Group sales and earnings up again in the second quarter Further growth expected for the second…

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UZIN UTZ Group publishes group-wide sustainability report


UZIN UTZ Group publishes group-wide sustainability report Sustainability Report 2017/2018

Ulm, 21. Mai 2019 – The UZIN UTZ Group, a globally active full-range supplier of floor systems, is…

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UZIN UTZ Group with Axia Best Managed Companies Award 2019 honoured


UZIN UTZ Group with Axia Best Managed Companies Award 2019 honoured Award for excellently managed medium-sized companies

Ulm, Mai 2019 – The UZIN UTZ Group, a global full-range supplier of floor systems, received the Axia…

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UZIN UTZ on course for a successful future


UZIN UTZ on course for a successful future Annual financial report press conference 2019

New sales record High investments in in future topics Ulm, 16 April 2019 – Internationally…

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UZIN UTZ defends top position as "best employer"


UZIN UTZ defends top position as "best employer"

Ulm, Februar 2019 – UZIN UTZ, a globally active full-range supplier of flooring systems based in…

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UZIN UTZ Group: Deutliche Umsatzsteigerungen in den ersten drei Quartalen


UZIN UTZ Group: Deutliche Umsatzsteigerungen in den ersten drei Quartalen

UZIN UTZ, Komplettanbieter für Bodensysteme, bleibt auf Wachstumskurs. In den ersten drei Quartalen…

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UZIN UTZ führt Sommerferienprogramm für Kinder der Mitarbeiter durch


UZIN UTZ führt Sommerferienprogramm für Kinder der Mitarbeiter durch Mit Mama oder Papa zur Arbeit

Auch in diesem Jahr führte UZIN UTZ wieder das bei Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern sowie…

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UZIN UTZ übernimmt Werkzeughersteller Pajarito


UZIN UTZ übernimmt Werkzeughersteller Pajarito Verstärkung der Werkzeugkompetenz

UZIN UTZ hat mit Wirkung zum 1. August 2018 den Werkzeughersteller Pajarito übernommen. Das…

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Kanister aus 100 % recyceltem Kunststoff entwickelt


Kanister aus 100 % recyceltem Kunststoff entwickelt UZIN UTZ Gruppe setzt auf nachhaltige Verpackungen

Als Vorreiter in der Entwicklung nachhaltiger und umweltfreundlicher Bodensysteme baut die UZIN UTZ…

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Uzin Utz AG für Ausbildung ausgezeichnet


Uzin Utz AG für Ausbildung ausgezeichnet Zukunftsperspektiven in der Chemie

Der Arbeitgeberverband Chemie Baden-Württemberg e.V. (agv Chemie) hat die besonderen…

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UZIN UTZ Niederlande übernimmt Großhändler Forinn und Bosgoed in den Niederlanden


UZIN UTZ Niederlande übernimmt Großhändler Forinn und Bosgoed in den Niederlanden Ausbau des niederländischen Marktes

UZIN UTZ übernimmt die niederländischen Großhändler Forinn bv und Bosgoed Groothandel bv und bündelt…

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UZIN UTZ Gruppe firmiert ab sofort weltweit einheitlich


UZIN UTZ Gruppe firmiert ab sofort weltweit einheitlich Internationale Umfirmierung abgeschlossen

Seit Beginn dieses Jahres firmieren sämtliche internationale Tochtergesellschaften der UZIN UTZ…

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Uzin Utz AG bezieht Mitarbeiter in Digitalisierungsstrategie ein


Uzin Utz AG bezieht Mitarbeiter in Digitalisierungsstrategie ein Käpsele gesucht!

Unter dem Motto „Käpsele gesucht“ rief Thomas Müllerschön, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Uzin Utz AG,…

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Uzin Utz AG initiates floorCODES - Start of Domotex 2018


Uzin Utz AG initiates floorCODES - Start of Domotex 2018 Re-thinking the floor

With floorCODES, Uzin Utz AG, the world's leading manufacturer of product systems for flooring, the…

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Uzin Utz AG expandiert am Standort Ulm


Uzin Utz AG expandiert am Standort Ulm Richtfest im neuen Werk von codex

Ulm, 18. Dezember 2017 ‒ Acht Monate nach dem Spatenstich hat der Gebäudekomplex der neuen…

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Uzin Utz AG feiert den beliebten Familienunternehmer


Uzin Utz AG feiert den beliebten Familienunternehmer Dr. H. Werner Utz wird 70

Am 24. November feierte Dr. H. Werner Utz, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Ulmer Uzin Utz AG, zusammen…

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Uzin Utz AG auf Rang sechs der innovativsten deutschen Mittelständler


Uzin Utz AG auf Rang sechs der innovativsten deutschen Mittelständler Spitzenplatz für Ulmer Bauchemiehersteller

Im Ranking der innovativsten deutschen Mittelständler 2017 nimmt die Uzin Utz AG mit dem sechsten…

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UZIN UTZ seit 20 Jahren an der Börse notiert


UZIN UTZ seit 20 Jahren an der Börse notiert

Seit nunmehr 20 Jahren ist die Uzin Utz AG an der Frankfurter Börse notiert. An ihrem ersten…

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Mitarbeiterkinder toben sich bei der Uzin Utz AG kreativ und sportlich aus und sagen lautstark Danke!


Mitarbeiterkinder toben sich bei der Uzin Utz AG kreativ und sportlich aus und sagen lautstark Danke! Sommerferienprogramm bei der Uzin Utz AG

Das Sommerferienprogramm der Uzin Utz AG stand in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto: ,,Ich sehe was, was…

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IHK Ulm: Digital hautnah


IHK Ulm: Digital hautnah Digitalisierungsprozesse bei der Uzin Utz AG

Unter dem Motto „Digital hautnah“ lud die IHK Ulm am 1. Juni 2017 zahlreiche Unternehmen aus der…

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Vorläufige Zahlen erstes Quartal 2017


Vorläufige Zahlen erstes Quartal 2017 1. Quartal 2017: Ergebnis vor Steuern 6,2 Mio. EUR (+32,9%)

Die Uzin Utz AG, Ulm, (ISIN Nr. DE 000755 1509; General Standard) veröffentlicht vorläufige Zahlen…

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Messeauftritt EPF 2017


Messeauftritt EPF 2017 Uzin Utz AG: Umfassende Bodenkompetenz

Zur Messe EPF 2017 in Feuchtwangen präsentiert die Uzin Utz AG mit ihren Marken Uzin, Pallmann,…

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Uzin Utz AG stellt neuen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht vor


Uzin Utz AG stellt neuen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht vor Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2017

Die Uzin Utz AG, weltweit agierender Komplettanbieter für Bodensysteme, setzt den Weg des…

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Spatenstich für neues Werk von Codex


Spatenstich für neues Werk von Codex Uzin Utz AG expandiert am Standort Ulm

Gunter Czisch, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Ulm, setzte am 10. April zusammen mit Dr. H. Werner Utz,…

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Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat schlagen der Hauptversammlung eine Dividende von EUR 1,30 je Aktie vor


Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat schlagen der Hauptversammlung eine Dividende von EUR 1,30 je Aktie vor

Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand der Uzin Utz AG haben heute an der bilanzfeststellenden…

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UZIN UTZ erneut bester Arbeitgeber


UZIN UTZ erneut bester Arbeitgeber

Die Uzin Utz AG, weltweit agierender Komplettanbieter für Bodensysteme mit Sitz in Ulm, ist  erneut…

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Uzin Utz AG gründet neue Dienstleistungsgesellschaft Servo360° GmbH


Uzin Utz AG gründet neue Dienstleistungsgesellschaft Servo360° GmbH Dienstleistung und Beratung

Zum neuen Jahr stellt die Uzin Utz AG, führend in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von…

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Impressionen von einer erfolgreichen BAU 2017


Impressionen von einer erfolgreichen BAU 2017

Die Uzin Utz AG, weltweit agierender Komplettanbieter für Bodensysteme, zeigte auf der Fachmesse BAU…

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Systemlösungen für den Boden im Ladenbau


Systemlösungen für den Boden im Ladenbau EuroShop 2017 – Uzin Utz AG

Auf der Messe EuroShop 2017 zeigt die Uzin Utz AG in Halle 10, Stand D39, Neuheiten rund um den…

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Film zum Axia Award 2016


Film zum Axia Award 2016

Unter dem Motto „Tradition bewahren und fortsetzen“ wurde die Uzin Utz AG Ende November in Hamburg…

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UZIN UTZ press photos and the UZIN UTZ logo as well as all trademarks may only be used for editorial purposes. The copyrights are owned by UZIN UTZ. All copyrights remain in their entirety even if images are transferred to an archive. Images that are used for editorial purposes or reproduced must be marked with the source ("UZIN UTZ"). A commercial transfer to third parties - also in electronically processed form - is not permitted.

Printing / publication of the press material is free of charge. In the case of print media, we would be pleased to receive a sample copy or, in the case of online media, a link to the publication.

Installation systems for screeds, floors and wood flooring

Machinery and special tools for substrate preparation and installation of floor coverings

Complete product range for installation, renovation and maintenance of wood flooring

Resin and cementitious floor finishes combining performance and design

Installation systems for tiling and natural stone

High quality painting, plastering and drywalling tools