Annual General Meeting 2022

This year's Annual General Meeting will again be held as a virtual Annual General Meeting without the physical presence of shareholders.

It will take place on May 17, 2022.

Shareholder portal

As of 27 April 2022, the Shareholder portal will be available for log-in at the following link:

Shareholder portal


Content of the Annual General Meeting 2022

Total number of shares and voting rights at the time of convening the Annual General Meeting 2022:

At the time of convening the Annual General Meeting 2022, a total of 5,044,319 ordinary non-par bearer shares of Uzin Utz SE have been issued (each share represents a proportionate amount of the share capital of EUR 3.00). The company currently holds no treasury shares.

Of the issued shares, 5,044,319 shares are thus entitled to participate and vote for this Annual General Meeting; each share grants one vote.

Reports and documents for the Annual General Meeting 2022

UZIN UTZ Group documents

High quality painting, plastering and drywalling tools

Installation systems for screeds, floors and wood flooring

Machinery and special tools for substrate preparation and installation of floor coverings

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