UZIN UTZ Group and W. & L. Jordan GmbH cooperate hand in hand in climate protection as well

With a tree sponsorship for 3,333 trees, the UZIN UTZ Group, a full-range supplier of flooring systems, underlines its own sustainability strategy and supports W. & L. Jordan GmbH, Central Europe's leading brand supplier of flooring, in its forward-looking Jordan Tree Sponsorship project.

"Climate protection and resource preservation are the great challenges of our time - also and especially for companies. We have to pay close attention to this issue and confront it with consistent rethinking," says board member Philipp Utz, who, together with his brother Julian Utz, has clearly integrated the issue of sustainability into the corporate strategy of the construction chemicals specialist. Both want to reduce climate-damaging emissions in the company by 25 % until 2025.

Tree sponsorship campaign by W. & L. Jordan GmbH

"In order for future generations to find an unspoiled world, we have to use natural resources carefully and responsibly today," explains Jörg L. Jordan, Managing Director of W. & L. Jordan GmbH. "As a company, we have a special responsibility in this regard. We have been closely associated with wood as a raw material for over 100 years. In recent years, storms, drought and persistent bark beetle invasions have severely damaged the forest stands in northern Hessen, which is the reason why we launched the 'Tree Sponsor' reforestation project to celebrate our 100th anniversary." Together with the W. & L. Jordan Foundation, the company is setting a strong example here with the aim of planting a vital mixed forest that is more resistant to environmental influences and more robust than a monoculture. The special feature: Every donation is doubled by Jordan. The donations cover the costs of planting and caring for the seedlings. So far, more than 70,000 trees have been donated by private individuals, associations, companies and institutions, which W. & L. Jordan GmbH has increased to a total of more than 140,000 plants.

"Hardly anyone still denies that climate change is noticeable. But while many only talk about it, we have tackled the problem passionately and successfully," Jordan continues.

Sustainability at UZIN UTZ

UZIN UTZ is actively participating in the reforestation campaign with a total of 3,333 trees. With this support, UZIN UTZ is not only entering into a "gold sponsorship", but is also making an important contribution to the topic of climate protection.

"We share the same corporate philosophy, which has always committed us to sustainable entrepreneurship. We are united by the deep roots of our self-image as responsibly acting family businesses, and both companies have taken up the cause of concrete measures against climate change," says Philipp Utz, who greatly appreciates the commitment of the long-standing partner.

Construction chemistry and sustainability are by no means a contradiction in terms at UZIN UTZ, but can be reconciled with each other, as a whole host of the company's sustainable activities prove. The holistic consideration of the product life cycle is firmly anchored in the company philosophy - from the raw materials to the disposal of the products. In addition to electricity from renewable resources, more sustainable packaging is also used, for example. More than 95 % of the products have been awarded the EMICODE seal as "very low emission", almost 40 % also bear the Blue Angel. Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) have been prepared for a number of products. Strategic initiatives for the further development of resource-saving products, but also for climate-optimised processes along the entire value chain, are intended to continuously improve the ecological footprint of the UZIN UTZ Group - for example through the use of alternative raw materials or the optimisation of freight routes.

About the UZIN UTZ Group

With around 1,300 employees and a consolidated turnover of  EUR 383,6 million (2020), the UZIN UTZ Group, Ulm, is a leader in the development and manufacture of products and machines for floor laying. The construction chemical product systems for the laying of all kinds of floor coverings, including surface finishing and machines for tillage, are all developed and manufactured by the Group companies themselves and marketed worldwide under the internationally successful brands Uzin, Wolff, Pallmann, Arturo, codex, RZ and Pajarito. As a system partner of the skilled trades, planners, architects and builders, UZIN UTZ has been dedicated for 100 years to providing professional support to end customers and installers in all areas of floor laying. More press releases on

Contact person

Tanja PeterHead of Corporate Communications & Marketing

Telephone: 0731 4097-4729

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